

cysgjjcysgjj时间2024-02-18 03:54:06分类语言教学浏览51
导读:本文目录一览: 1、关于买衣服的英语对话 2、医生和病人的英语对话...



1、关于买衣服的英语对话一 A:Good morning, madam. We h***e a variety of pants. Which one do you like best?早上好,夫人!我们有各种款式的裤子。

2、买衣服英语口语对话1 SaleSman: Is there anything I can do for you?售货员:有什么我能帮您的吗?Custcxri: I warrta Shirt.顾客:我想买件衬衫。

3、有关买衣服英语对话一 A:Can I help you?我能帮你什么吗?B:Thank you, but Im just looking around. How much does this skirt cost?谢谢,我只是随便看看。


4、关于买卖衣服的英语对话篇1 A:Hi, sir. Come and h***e a look here. We h***e all kinds of sweaters.你好,先生。过来看看吧。我们这儿有各种各样的羊毛衫。

5、A: How much is this clothes? 这件衣服多少钱?B: It costs $12 125美元。A: That’s unreasonable! I’d take it for $100. How about$ 100?这真是卖得太贵了!如果一百块我就买。


医生:早上好。你哪里不舒服?你看起来不太好。 morning, doctor. I h***e a terrible [terbl] headache and Ive got no appetite [ptat].I h***e been like this for about a day.. 病人:你好,大夫。


医生和患者英语对话篇一 病人:早上好,大夫。Patient: Good morning, doctor.医生:早上好,哪里不舒服?Doctor: good morning. What seems to be the trouble?病人:我最近有点失眠。

Doctor: No, it isnt necessary. I h***e presribed you a tube of ointment. Administer it two or three times a day.病人:非常感谢您,大夫。Patient: Thank you very much, doctor.大夫:不客气。

医生与病人的英语对话篇一 病人:这是我的药方,你能帮我配药吗?Patient: This is my prescription. Can you fill it for me, please?药剂师:当然可以。Chemist: Certainly.病人:谢谢。


医生和患者英语对话一 A:Hello, Miss. Sit down, please.你好,小姐。请坐。B:Hi, I am feeling terrible.你好,我感觉糟糕透了。

一 Daniel:What seems to be the problem, kid?你有什么事吗,孩子?Doctor 3:Ive got a sore throat, a runny nose and a headache.我喉咙痛,流鼻涕,头疼。


1、两人英语对话范文1 Jaco: Hi, I am Jaco McGuire. You must be Mr. Simpson. I’m here to pick up your girl Jessica.你好。我是杰克麦奎尔。您肯定是辛普森先生。我是来接您女儿杰西卡的。

2、两人英语对话范文1 Jack :How can I get in touch with you?我怎么和你联络呢?Jane:You can reach me by calling 321-552你打321-5525可以找到我。

3、mary:i see. are there any seats ***ailable?我明白了,还有空位吗?peter:just s moment, please. yes, you can h***e a seat.请稍等,有的,有一个空位。

4、关于两人英语对话短文篇一 Divorce Gary:Kate, youll never believe whats h***ened!Kate:What do you mean?Gary:Marcia and Harold are getting divorced。


6、二人组英语小对话一 , you did well in the exam. Keep working hard.老师:吉姆,你考的都很好。继续努力。


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